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There is a Real Life
Fountain of Youth!

Reverse and Arrest the Aging Process!

Dear Friend,

If you thought you had no choice but to get old, think again!

Okay, well, that might be overstating the case. Perhaps you can’t stop “father time,” but you can reverse and arrest the aging process in your body.

Sit Down When You Read This!

When you read the facts that I’m going to share with you I think you really should be sitting because you’re going to be so stunned you might fall over. 

There truly is a substance that is produced by “Mother Nature” that is the fountain of youth that man has been chasing since well before Ponce De Leon wandered through Florida in the year of 1513.

He was looking for a literal fountain, but that’s not where the magic gift of youth can be found.  

Before I reveal this amazing secret nutrient, I want to go on the record of noting that I have a lot of respect for the French.  They helped America back in 1776, they’ve given us the Statue of Liberty and while there may have been differences of opinion from time to time, they are a valuable ally of America.

Having said all of that, as a normal American male, it’s hard sometimes not to feel a little bit of resentment…especially when it comes to their lifestyle.  It seems like the French drink wine like crazy, smoke and eat all of these rich foods…

Yet, statistically they have much lower cardiac problems and have a longer life expectancy.  This phenomenon is known as…

The French Paradox

The French Paradox refers to the observation that the French suffer relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease despite having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats.(1)

Nobody can say for 100% sure what the reason is, but many experts attribute it to the red wine that the French drink so plentifully.  Or more specifically, what’s in that red wine.

There is an ingredient in red wine called Resveratol that has been really turning heads.

According to…

“Resveratrol is the ingredient in red wine that made headlines when scientists demonstrated that it kept overfed mice from gaining weight, turned them into the equivalent of Olympic marathoners, and seemed to slow down their aging process. Few medical discoveries have generated so much instant buzz - even Jay Leno riffed about it in his opening monologue.”

Resveratrol is produced naturally by several
plants including grapes and was originally used
centuries ago as an ancient oriental cure for 
diseases of the heart, blood vessels and liver.

Scientists Have Discovered
   Many Amazing Results
      From Resveratrol!

For example, Resveratrol increases the activity
of an enzyme called SIRT1.

This enzyme has a unique molecular link between aging and human neurodegenerative disorders and provides a promising avenue for therapeutic intervention.

According to scientists, “Resveratrol's supplementation with food extends vertebrate lifespan and delays motor and cognitive age-related decline and could be of high relevance for the prevention of aging-related diseases in the human population.”(2)

Your Lifespan Could Be Increased!

A scientist named Sinclar found that resveratrol significantly increases the lifespan of yeast and mice. There is hope that it could do the same for humans. (3)

And Sinclair isn’t the only one who’s research shows how resveratrol might increase your lifespan.   Researchers reported online in Nature that several naturally occurring small molecules extend the life of yeast cells by approximately 70% and offer some protection to cultured human cells exposed to radiation.

But, that’s not even close to the full story.  This amazing gift from mother nature appears to have very promising potential for protecting you against cancer.

Nature’s Cancer Terminator!

Listen to this conclusion from a recent scientific study:

“Resveratrol interferes with all three stages of carcinogenesis - initiation, promotion and progression. (5).”

In some lineages of cancer cell culture, resveratrol has been shown to induce apoptosis, which means it kills cells and may kill cancer cells(6)(7)

Let’s Talk About Heart Benefits…

Research at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine and Ohio Sate University indicates that resveratrol has direct inhibitory action on cardiac fibroblasts and may inhibit the progression of cardiac fibrosis. (8)

Are you getting the picture?  Let’s review what this amazing nutrient can help with…

Introducing Clinical Resveratrol

Naturally I was quite excited when during my exhaustive
search for nutrients that could help fight aging, I found
out about resveratrol.


But, if I was going to market a product like this I knew
I needed to know I was offering my customers the
absolute highest quality natural supplements available.

What I found out when I did more research is that there are really two numbers to consider when taking resveratrol.  There is the milligrams in the pill or tablet and there is how much your body will be able to retain when it is digested.  It was explained to me that the retained amount was about half of what was actually taken.

Then, I questioned my medical expert advisers on how much resveratrol would be needed in order to have the most optimal chance of providing all of the benefits that are associated with this miraculous nutrient.

You’ve Got to Have Enough
Troops to Win the Battle!

I’m putting this into military terms because it’s an easy way to get the big picture.  Throughout history one of the largest military blunders that leaders have made is to send out troops in numbers that were too small to get the job done.

What usually happens is the objective isn’t achieved.  And, in your case the objective is to ingest enough resveratrol so that your body can fully capitalize on all of the wonderful effects that are available.

Quite simply, if you don’t send in enough powerful nutritional forces, they won’t get the job done.

But, The Best Costs More

I’m not going to play games with you.  I’ll tell you straight up, that if you go searching on the Internet, you’re going to be able to find small dosage tablets of resveratrol for a little less than what I’m offering.

I’ll get to that exact number in one moment, but I do urge you to think about this:  How much would you pay for one extra month of life?  I can tell you that when a man is at that time when his life is nearly over, he’d pay any amount. Truth be told, $100,000 would be a bargain he’d take in the blink of an eye.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not sitting here and guaranteeing you that you will live longer if you take Clinical Resveratrol.  But, you’ve got to admit that there is a lot of evidence that it might.

Now, there are certain things that you just get the best price you can because you know that a cheap one will be as good as an expensive one.  But, for sure in my book, the things that I put in my body DON’T fall into that category!  No, sir, when I put something into my body, I make damn sure that it’s the best that there is.

Well, let me tell you something else.  I don’t just do it for myself.  I do it for all of my customers out there.  So, that’s why I simply won’t sell you a wimpy little pill that doesn’t have the firepower to get the job done.

You see, these “great buys” usually have like 150 mgs. Once your body breaks it down, there’s just no much left to handle the job.

But, Clinical Resveratrol has
 a whopping 500 mgs!

That’s over 300% more potent.  Okay, let’s put that into a picture that’s easy to see.  Let’s pretend we’re talking about football players and those mgs. are pounds.

The first little guy is a 150 lb. weakling.  The other option is a 500 lb. giant player.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the 150 lb. will get clobbered and carried off the field.  But, the 500 lb. guy…that’s someone with enough size and strength to trample the competition.

And, that’s the way it is between Clinical Resveratrol and “the little bargain boys.”  If you’re going to take a natural supplement that has the potential to make you feel so much younger and maybe add years to your life, don’t you want to make sure that the potency is there?

A 100% Money Back Guarantee Included!

Listen, I’m putting my money where my mouth is.  I’m telling you that I am so certain that you are going to be blown away by the results of Clinical Resveratrol that I’ll refund your full purchase price if you aren’t.

That’s right.  You can go ahead and try out Clinical Resveratrol for a full 30 days and if you aren’t 100% thrilled, just send back the unused portion or the empty bottle and I’ll cheerfully refund your purchase price.

I can do it because this product is just that damn good.

What Is a Fountain of Youth Worth to You?

To the King of Spain in 1513 it was worth funding an expedition to the “new world.”  Like I mentioned above…to a man at the end of his life it’d be worth any amount.  But, I wanted to make sure that you could enjoy the benefits of Clinical Resveratrol without needing a reverse mortgage on your house.

Relief and Protection For a $1.33 a Day!

That’s right.  A 30 day supply of Clincial Resveratrol is only $39.95.  But, there’s even better news for those gentlemen that enjoy getting exceptional deals.

See, I don’t really have a very big warehouse and in order to get the deal I did, I had to agree to buy quite a bit of product.  So, in order to prevent pallets of product from piling up next to my desk, I’m going to give you a couple of options for a quantity discount.

And, since as long as the bottles aren’t opened they stay fresh and potent for a long time, there’s no reason not to stock up and pocket a nice savings.

So, here’s the options and you go ahead and click on the one that works best for you.

1 Bottle of Clincial Resveratrol (30 day supply)
                  Order Today – Click Here


3 Bottles of Clincial Resveratrol (90 day supply)
                  Order Today – Click Here

$119.95 (14% discount)

6 Bottles of Clincial Resveratrol (6 month supply)
                  Order Today – Click Here

$204.95 (37% discount)

If you want to feel younger and stronger than you have in years…if you want to have one of mother nature’s most potent nutrients against so many different health risks on your side…then, you owe it to yourself to try Clinical Resveratrol.


Larry Berman


Reference Cites:

(1) Ferrieres, J. (2004). The French Paradox; Lessons for other countries [Electronic version]. Heart, 90, 107–111.

(2) Valenzano DR, Terzibasi E, Genade T, Cattaneo A, Domenici L, Cellerino A "Resveratrol Prolongs Lifespan and Retards the Onset of Age-Related Markers in a Short-Lived Vertebrate." Current Biology 2006 Feb 7;16 (3):296–300PMID 16461283

(3) CNN, 2007, 01-19 pp. 3 “Cambridge Healthtech Institute Anti-Aging Targets Tap Biggest Disease Markets

(4) Science 29 August 2003:Vol. 301. no. 5637, p. 1165DOI: 10.1126/science.301.5637.1165

(5) Leiro J, Arranz JA, Fraiz N, Sanmartín ML, Quezada E, Orallo F (2005). "Effect of cis-resveratrol on genes involved in nuclear factor kappa B signaling". Int. Immunopharmacol. 5 (2): 393–406.doi:10.1016/j.intimp.2004.10.006. PMID15652768

(6)Benitez DA, Pozo-Guisado E, Alvarez-Barrientos A, Fernandez-Salguero PM, Castellon EA (October 18 2006). "Mechanisms involved in resveratrol-induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in prostate cancer-derived cell lines". Journal of Andrology.PMID17050787
(7) Science 10 January 1997: Vol. 275. no. 5297, pp. 218 - 220DOI: 10.1126/science.275.5297.218

(8) Olson ER, Naugle JE, Zhang X, Bomser JA, Meszaros JG. Inhibition of cardiac fibroblast proliferation and myofibroblast differentiation by resveratrol. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2005 Mar;288(3):H1131-8. PMID15498824

All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, effectiveness or correct use of information you receive through our product or for any health problems that may result from training programs, products, or events you learn about through the site. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None of the information or products discussed on this site are intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease.

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