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“I woke up with a terrible pain in my chest, called 911 and nearly died in the hospital…I was 34 years old.” 

What if you could strengthen your heart so that it never failed you?

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

The story above happened to a real man named James Eilert.

Thirty-four years young, James considered himself in good, physical shape. He exercised a couple times a week and watched his weight. He indulged in some fast food and sodas now and then, but he never imagined he could possibly have a heart attack.

Having a heart attack at 34 is rare but as you age the risk increases year after year. As you enter into your “senior” years the numbers get downright scary.

In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, it is the number one killer in the United States.

I’m not trying to alarm you. I’m making an obvious point. If you want to have the longest, happiest, healthiest life possible, you must have a strong and healthy heart.

The trouble with trying to build a strong heart is that most of what we’ve been told to do is downright wrong. In fact some of it, such as aerobic training, is actually dangerous. The same is true for low-fat diets…and drugs that lower your cholesterol levels. All these common medical practices don’t strengthen your heart, they make it weaker!

Luckily, the scientific community has discovered a great deal about heart attack prevention in the last twenty years. And while much of the new findings are not yet common knowledge, they are published and available to medical researchers willing to study the findings.

My name is Larry Berman and I’ve been publishing new medical studies for seven years. The research studies we investigate come from some of the top research institutions in the world. I’m talking about Harvard, Yale, John Hopkins, etc. And the best scientific journals like The New England Journal of Medicine.

What my researchers and I have discovered is that there is a whole new, budding science developing that is showing older people how to develop strong, youthful hearts. Hearts that can withstand stress and sickness. Hearts that can support long hours of work and difficult exercise. Hearts that can keep pumping when they would otherwise give up and result in a coronary event.

Today I want to tell you about some of the most important of these new discoveries – prevention therapies that are vastly more powerful than anything that has ever existed before. Prevention therapies you can easily take advantage of starting today.

Natural Substances “They”
Don’t Want You to Know About

At the top of this letter I asked you a hypothetical question. I asked, “Wouldn’t it be great if you knew your heart would never fail you?”

Today I will give you some information that can help you do just that.

This is information, as I said, that comes from the most progressive cutting edge medical research facilities regarding cardiovascular health. I’m talking about remarkable advances that only a handful of the most sophisticated doctors are even aware of.

And, frankly, there are plenty of people in the medical industry who’d like to keep it that way.


Because people with bad hearts is big business!

Every year Americans spend more than $78 billion dollars trying to repair old and damaged hearts. That’s big money. If most senior citizens started following the prevention therapies I’ll be telling you about in a few minutes, it would decimate that business. None of the businesses making money from heart sickness want to see that.

In all honesty, when I first made the decision to make this information available to the general public, I was warned by “the powers that be” that I was making a mistake. 

But, I’m not going to let the “big pharmas” intimidate me.

So, today I am spilling the beans and sharing this very powerful information with you.

The Reason These Secrets Are So Potent

For you to understand why the information I’m going to reveal to you is so powerful, I need to cover just a few of the basics…so pardon me, if you already know any of this, but I promise I will be brief.

There are certain physical conditions that put you at a high risk of heart disease.

If you have any of these conditions, you have a much higher risk of having a fatal heart attack.

Risky Conditions Can be Improved or Eliminated With Treatment

But the new heart research I spoke of before suggests that you can reverse those conditions quickly and easily – if you know what to do.

I won’t bother you with an extensive review of all of these conditions. But I can explain the most worrisome and tell you how to reverse them.


What Your Heart Really Does

Your heart is a muscular organ that acts like a pump to continuously send blood throughout your body.

Your heart is at the center of your circulatory system. This system consists of a network of blood vessels, such as arteries, veins, and capillaries. These blood vessels carry blood to and from all areas of your body.

An electrical system regulates your heart and uses electrical signals to contract the heart's walls. When the walls contract, blood is pumped into your circulatory system. A system of inlet and outlet valves in your heart chambers work to ensure that blood flows in the right direction.

A healthy heart supplies the areas of your body with the right amount of blood at the rate needed to work normally. If your heart weakens, your body's organs won't receive enough blood to work normally.

In a study conducted by the Research Institute for Internal Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway, it was determined that patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) have one thing in common.

That one thing is not high blood pressure or a high cholesterol count. Those are the notions of the old science. The new science, and this study in particular, has found that the most common characteristic of CHF is systemic inflammation. (2)

There are several substances in the body that can indicate inflammation, but one of the most important is a protein called C-reactive protein (CRP).

This is a substance found in blood that is a marker for inflammation in the body. High levels of this protein are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and low levels with a low risk.

In other words, systemic inflammation is the big problem. And C-reactive protein is what you need to pay attention to, not your cholesterol count.

Now here’s where I want you to really pay special attention!

A Cleveland Clinic study found convincing evidence that patients with clogged coronary arteries could maintain healthy hearts so long as they lowered their CRP levels. (3)  In other words, get rid of the inflammation and the condition stops festering.

After I tell you about a couple of these other conditions that can put you at tremendous risk, I’ll reveal how you can improve or entirely reverse them on your own without laying out big wads of cash at a doctor’s office or a pharmacy.

Elevated homocysteine levels:

Another key condtion that increases the risk of heart disease in homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is produced by the body. An elevated level of homocysteine in the blood is believed to cause narrowing and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

This narrowing and hardening of the vessels is thought to occur through a variety of ways involving elevated homocysteine. The blood vessel narrowing in turn leads to diminished blood flow through the affected arteries.

Elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood may also increase the tendency to excessive blood clotting. Blood clots inside the arteries can further diminish the flow of blood. The resultant lack of blood supply to the heart muscles may cause heart attacks, and the lack of blood supply to the brain causes strokes. (4)

Higher oxidative stress:

A third factor is what they call oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress happens because your body constantly reacts with oxygen as you breathe and your cells produce energy. As a consequence of this activity, highly reactive molecules are produced known as free radicals.

Free radicals interact with other molecules within cells. This can cause oxidative damage to proteins, membranes and genes.

Doctors at Emory University School of Medicine have identified a substance in the blood that may be useful in predicting an individual's risk for heart disease. The substance is cystine, an oxidized form of the amino acid cysteine and an indirect measure of oxidative stress.

Again, here’s where I want you to really pay attention!

In a study of more than 1,200 people undergoing cardiac imaging at Emory because of suspected heart disease, people with high levels of homocysteine in the blood were twice as likely to have a heart attack or die over the next few years.

In other words, if you have high levels of oxidative stress you are much more likely to die of a heart attack. (5)

Lipoprotein abnormalities:

In simple terms, low-density lipoproteins ferry cholesterol from the liver to the tissues. If there is too much cholesterol for the tissues to receive, the LDL transporters start dumping it in the arteries.

According to a study published by the American Heart Association Journal, More than half of patients with angiographically confirmed coronary artery disease (CAD) before age 60 years have a lipoprotein disorder. (6)

And according to a study conducted by Rockefeller University, there is a close association between lipoprotein abnormalities and coronary heart disease susceptibility. (7)

Totally Natural Substances Proven to Improve or Reverse These High Risk Conditions

I apologize for having to rattle off what could be considered to be upsetting information.

My purpose was not to alarm but to inform you.  You see, each of these conditions that can greatly increase your risk of having heart troubles have been shown in scientific studies to be improved or entirely reversed with the right treatment.

I’m not talking about the expensive drugs loaded up with side effects that the big pharmas want to poison you with.

And, I’m not talking about expensive and risky medical procedures that a person shouldn’t consider unless there simply aren’t any other options.

I’m talking about natural answers.

In other words, I’m talking about supplying your body with powerful, all natural nutrients that have been proven in studies to offer you powerful protection against the number one killer on the planet.

After I saw all of this highly compelling research I knew it was time to take action. I instructed my manufacturing team to assemble the finest group of top quality, all natural, nutrients…regardless of the expense,  that would offer the most powerful natural protection available.

I’m proud to present the outcome.  I’d like to introduce you to:

Young at Heart

 Young at Heart has been formulated by top chemists to provide your body with the tools to improve or even reverse the kinds of conditions we’ve discussed above – conditions that can put you at risk of a heart attack or even death.

Listen to all of the highly potent nutrients in this proprietary formulation:

Pyridoxine hydrochloride:

A study conducted by Tufts University and published in the February 2010 edition of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and concluded that low levels of this nutrient were associated with inflammation, eleveated homocysteine levels, higher oxidative stress and metabolic conditions. (9)

And another study found that low circulating levels of this nutrient are associated with elevation of the inflammation marker C-reactive protein independently of plasma homocysteine levels. (10) So, this is one nutrient you want to make sure your body has plenty of.

The University of Maryland Medical Centers says that Pyridoxine hydrochloride: 

“…helps control levels of homocysteine in the blood.”

D-alpha toco. Acetate:

The Cambridge study found that this nutrient reduced the risk of both fatal and non-fatal heart attacks by 47 percent and non-fatal heart attacks by 77 percent!

And, in a British study of 2000 patients with heart disease conducted by the University of Cambridge supplements with D- alpha toc Acetate reduced heart disease by 75 percent. (11)


Researchers in this study reported, “therapy with niacin (nicotinic acid) is unique in that it improves all lipoprotein abnormalities. It significantly reduces low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, and lipoprotein(a) levels, while increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. This makes niacin ideal for treating a wide variety of lipid isorders, including the metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, isolated low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and hypertriglyceridemia. Niacin-induced changes in serum lipid levels produce significant improvements in both coronary artery disease and clinical outcomes."   (12)

Additionally, researchers at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science studied the effects of niacin therapy on cardiovascular health in patients with heart disease. They discovered that participants taking niacin therapy experienced decreases in heart attack and stroke risk compared with those consuming a placebo. Furthermore, the niacin group decreased their cardiovascular mortality, according to the research published in the "Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics."

USA Today Reports:

Niacin did a significantly better job of shrinking artery plaque than a billion-dollar blockbuster (prescription drug)…. Niacin was superior.


According to the American Journal of Epidemiology (2005;162:157–64), “men with low chromium intake may be at increased risk of suffering a heart attack. (13)

And researchers at Johns Hopkins University have shown that a low level of chromium in the body indicates an increased risk of heart attack". (14)  That’s why it’s critical for your body to have sufficient chromium.

Folic Acid

According to the most recent analysis of multiple studies conducted by Harvard researchers, it suggests that folic acid supplements can reduce the risk of stroke in people who have not already suffered a stroke. (15)


Selenium appears to act as an antioxidant that reduces risk of cardiovascular disease" and "An estimate from 7 of 8 studies found suggests risk of heart disease and stroke may be reduced by about 40% by an added 100 mg per day of dietary selenium. (16)

Selenium also plays a crucial role in preventing or managing coronary heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease both before and after heart attacks, especially for patients who smoke, due to its antioxidant mechanisms and its role in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Selenium also appears to inhibit platelet aggregation, increasing its significance in cardiovascular health.(17) states:

“Selenium is crucial in heart disease and cancer prevention.”


The patients who took magnesium had better blood vessel function and their hearts showed less stress during treadmill exercise compared to the placebo group. The researchers suggest that magnesium may protect the heart against the detrimental effects of a calcium overload and may improve intracellular ATP production and glucose use. They conclude that oral magnesium supplementation improves exercise tolerance and endothelial function in coronary artery disease patients. (18)

Epidemiological studies have repeatedly indicated that that a benefit of magnesium is to reduce occurrence of sudden death from cardiovascular disease. There was a statistically significant increased risk of coronary heart disease of men in the lowest versus the highest quantities of baseline magnesium intake. (19)

L- Arginine:

Dr. K. Lance Gould, at the University of Texas in Houston, performed a pilot study using Perfusia-SR in five patients with significantly reduced blood flow to the myocardial heart muscle. Dr. Gould gave patients 3 grams sustained- release L- Arginine (Perfusia-SR) twice daily for 12 weeks. Using positron emission tomography (PET scanning), he found a statistically significant improvement in myocardial blood flow and a 22% improvement in heart muscle function. (20)

Trimethylglycine (TMG):

TMG is also called glycine betaine, but the name trimethylglycine signifies that it has three methyl groups attached to each molecule of glycine. TMG was discovered to be beneficial to heart health back in the 1950s.TMG operates along a pathway similar to that of vitamin B12: It is a “methyl donor,” providing extra methyl groups to hasten the conversion of homocysteine back to methionine.94 When a TMG methyl group is donated to a molecule of homocysteine, it converts to the non-toxic amino acid, methionine. Research showing TMG’s ability to promote healthy levels of homocysteine, alone or in conjunction with other nutrients, confirms its status as an important nutrient for cardiovascular health.

For example, in a recent cross-sectional survey study, participants who consumed >360 mg/d of TMG had, on average, 10% lower concentrations of homocysteine and 19% lower concentrations of C-reactive protein than those who consumed <260 mg/d. (21)


This nutrient has been reported to possess lipid-lowering properties. Its mechanism of action seems to be reduction in the cholesterol absorption by crystallization and coprecipitation. Studies have shown up to 10% reduction in plasma cholesterol with the use of sitosterol or its derivatives. These sterols may play a role in lowering the risk of CHD by their hypolipidemic properties."  (22)

Alpha lipoic acid:

It protects the heart by decreasing calcification -- also known as hardening -- of the arteries, according to a study published in the March 2011 issue of the "Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine." (23)

Acetyl L-carnitine:

There is scientific evidence that suggests acetyl L-carnitine may help protect heart health. A study published in April 2007 in "The Journal of Clinical Hypertension" found that acetyl L-carnitine reduced systolic blood pressure in every participant with coronary artery disease who received the treatment. It also improved endothelial health, or the function of the lining of blood vessels that regulate blood flow. This indicates successful reduction of symptoms related to coronary artery disease. (24)

Hawthorne Extract:

A four year study on the benefits of hawthorn, commissioned by the German Ministry of Health, found that it improves contractions in the veins and heart while dilating the heart. This increases blood flow in the heart as well as flow speed throughout the body for increased circulation to organs and musculature. The researchers concluded that hawthorn is best used for low heart function, congestion, arrhythmia and tightness in the chest and no side effects were noted. (25)


Platelet aggregation is one of the first steps in the formation of a blood clot that can occlude a coronary or cerebral artery, resulting in myocardial infarction or stroke, respectively. Resveratrol has been found to inhibit platelet aggregation in vitro. (26)


Reported research from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine showed that using CoQ10 by patients with congestive heart failure helped more than 70 percent of them. (27)

And to round off our formulation Young at Heart also contains Vitamin C and Green Tea Extract which have both also found to offer heart health benefits.

An Incredible Arsenal of Powerful Nutrients 

As you can see, no expense was spared in creating Young at Heart.  It is packed with very powerful nutrients that have been shown scientifically to reverse the real causes of heart problems and help you develop a strong and healthy heart.

This formulation is very powerful. And it is expensive. If I could have produced it cheaply I would have. I know cost is a big factor – especially these days. But I wanted to produce the best heart healthy natural formulation on the market. So I pulled out all the stops.

When we had completed the process I knew we had the best product on the market. So, my marketing advisors suggested that to make a good profit I should charge $150 a month. I knew that was crazy so I haggled with the factory, came up with a few efficiencies in the production and managed to get the cost down to something a little little more affordable.

Young at Heart is a bit more expensive than some other so-called heart healthy remedies, but in my opinion it is so far better than the others that the minor additional cost is well worth it.

I’ll give you the full details in just one moment, but I did first want to give you some additional news that I think you’re going to be very happy to hear.

Try Young at Heart with No Risk!

I am so confident in the quality of Young at Heart and that you will be thrilled with the results that I’m going to let you “test drive it” with no risk.

I want you to go ahead and try Young at Heart for up to a full 30 days.  If at any time you are unsatisfied just return the unused portion or even the empty bottle and I will give you a full refund no questions asked.

The reason I can make such a generous guarantee is quite simple.

Young at Heart is an extraordinary product packed with powerful all natural nutrients that are going to offer you protection that’s going to make you sleep much better at night.

In fact, I expect that after you try Young at Heart you’re going to contacting me right away to snap up a large supply to make sure you never run out.

Okay, so I promised to give you the full details on the price of this premium natural supplement.

As I mentioned my research department thought that $150 a month would be a fair price, but I have worked it out to make it available to you at a much better price. 

Only $39!

No, you didn’t just read a typo.  I’ve worked it out that for this initial test marketing phase you can get your supply of Young at Heart for about the cost of a cup of coffee a day.

And, I’m even going to go further and let you know that if you’re the type of person who likes to get a discount for buying a small quantity, I’ve even come up with some quantity discount offers.

But, if you want to get in at this price, I would order right now because I am telling you flat out that I cannot guarantee how long the price will stay this low before we raise it up to it’s real value.

I’ve shown you the facts.  There are conditions that make your body much more susceptible to heart troubles and I’ve shown you proof that there are powerful all natural substances that can reverse or improve these conditions.

If you want to give yourself the best chance for the longest and highest quality life, then I strongly suggest you take action and get the protection of Young at Heart today.


Larry Berman

P.S. Remember that Young at Heart is packed with nutrients that have been shown in scientific studies change the composition of your body…to reduce levels of substances that increase your heart attack risk and help your body produce more of the protective compounds that help protect your heart.

Order Now!

_____Yes, Larry, I want to give myself the powerful protection of all natural, Young at Heart.  I understand that I will have no risk because I may try it out for a full 30 days and if I’m unsatisfied for any reason I can return it for a full refund.

Best Deal - 6 bottles of Young at Heart – (six month supply) for only $179.70
I save $54.30 A 24% savings.

Great Deal - 3 bottles of Young at Heart– (3 month supply) for only $99.90
I save $17.00 A 14.5 % savings.

Let me get started - 1 bottle – (30 day supply) of Young at Heart for only $39.00

Order Now!

(Please remember that dumbbells are not included but if you want to use them they can be purchased inexpensively at almost any store with a sports department.)


(2) Heart Fail Rev. 2006 Mar;11(1):83-92.




(6) Genest JJ Jr, Martin-Munley SS, McNamara JR, Ordovas JM, Jenner J, Myers RH, Silberman SR, Wilson PWF, Salem DN, Schaefer EJ. Familial lipoprotein disorders in patients with premature coronary artery disease. Circulation. 1992;85:2025-2033.

(7) Laboratory of Biochemical Genetics and Metabolism, Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021-6399. Annu Rev Med. 1991;42:357-71

(8) Genest JJ Jr, Martin-Munley SS, McNamara JR, Ordovas JM, Jenner J, Myers RH, Silberman SR, Wilson PWF, Salem DN, Schaefer EJ. Familial lipoprotein disorders in patients with premature coronary artery disease. Circulation. 1992;85:2025-2033.


(10) Circulation. 2001;103(23):2788-2791.


(12) McKenney J. New perspectives on the use of niacin in the treatment of lipid disorders. Arch Intern Med.  2004 April  12;164(7):697-705.




(Lee M, Hong KS, Chang SC, Saver JL. Efficacy of homocysteine-lowering therapy with folic acid in stroke prevention: a meta-analysis. Stroke. 2010; 41:1205-1212)



(18) A study by C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.




(22) Howard VB, Kritchevsky D. Phytochemicals and cardiovascular diseases.  A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 1997;95:2591-2593)

(23) "Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine"; Alpha-lipoic acid attenuates vascular calcification via reversal of mitochondrial function and restoration of Gas6/Axl/Akt survival pathway. Kim H, et al.; 201)

(24)"The Journal of Clinical Hypertension"; Effect of Combined Treatment With α-Lipoic Acid and Acetyl-L-Carnitine on Vascular Function and Blood Pressure in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease; Craig J. McMackin M.D., Michael E. Widlansky M.D., Naomi M. Hamburg M.D., et al.; April 2007)

(25) (Hoffmann 1995) ,

(26) (Kirk RI, Deitch JA, Wu JM, Lerea KM. Resveratrol decreases early signaling events in washed platelets but has little effect on platalet in whole blood. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2000;26(2):144-150.  (PubMed)



All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, effectiveness or correct use of information you receive through our product or for any health problems that may result from training programs, products, or events you learn about through the site. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None of the information or products discussed on this site are intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease.

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