The Science is Established
The Studies Have Spoken…

It’s the Next Generation of 21st Century
Anti-Aging Science.
This anti-aging breakthrough actually had its start in the 1970s when a Russian Scientist named Alexei Olovnikov created a theory that would change how scientists understood the aging process.
Olovnikov suggested that DNA sequences are lost every time a cell/DNA replicates until the loss reaches a critical level, at which point cell division ends….
And when cell division ends…life ends….
At this time, the ground breaking Russian’s theory was not widely known except by a handful of researchers studying cellular aging and immortalization.
That all changed when in 1975– 1977, Elizabeth Blackburn, working as a postdoctoral fellow At Yale University with Joseph Gall,
discovered the unusual nature of telomeres
Before I give you more details I want to emphasize why it is so important that you take this information very seriously.
My name is Larry Berman and I’m the editor of Naturecast News, an international natural health publication.
Naturecast News is a natural health publication sent to approximately 20 million recipients every month.
During my tenure I’ve overseen the publication of articles reporting on well over 1500 scientific studies.
These are studies that come from the most highly respected institutions in the world…for instance…
Harvard University
Johns Hopkins
Yale University

Just to name a few…
In all of these studies I have never seen anything as remarkable as what I’m about to share with you now.
Please pay close attention for the next couple of minutes. It could affect not only how long you live, but the quality of your life as well.
I was explaining about telomeres, which are the protective caps on the ends of the strands of DNA called chromosomes, which house our genomes.

“The telomeres shorten with time because they cannot replicate completely each time the cell divides and they may be the most powerful biological clock that has yet to be identified.”
Dr. Mercola, “New York Times Best Selling Author”
Fellowship status the American College of Nutrition
Scientists suddenly had the ability to understand the aging mechanism and with thatknowledge came the potential to alter it.

Their work leads to a Nobel prize…
Major media across the globe report on this revolutionary scientific discovery

Suddenly, the possibility to cheat father time and even death has become a reality…
Healthy and vibrant Centenarians could become the norm and not the rarity.
Some of the most brilliant scientific minds from the most esteemed medical research facilities in the world vowed to find answers….
If researchers could find a way to stop telomeres from shrinking or even actually re-growing…the aging process could be halted in its tracks!
Then, another startling discovery was made…
A Harvard study uncovers an enzyme that prevents telomeres from shortening…
The team studied the enzyme telomerase, which can replenish the telomere after replication and effectively lengthen it so that a cell can live longer.

Elizabeth Blackburn PhD, professor of biochemistry and biophysics at UCSF, discovered that the enzyme telomerase actually has the ability to lengthen the telomere by synthesizing DNA.
Since then, thousands of studies have been published on telomerase.
These studies proved that telomerase could maintain genomic stability, prevent the inappropriate activation of DNA damage pathways, and regulate cellular aging.
Cutting edge researchers scour the planet to find ways to naturally encourage the lengthening of telomeres. Finally, they hit pay dirt….
A New Harvard study proves that certain nutrients can encourage the lengthening of telomeres!
In one randomized double blind four-month trial the research team concluded that nutritional interventions in particular omega-3 can help increase telomere length.
In research conducted by scientists with affiliations to Harvard Medical School the team found that the study supports the development of regenerative strategies designed to restore telomere integrity.
Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is that this sounds easy. All a person needs to do is take some Omega 3 supplements and “boom!” Instant age reduction.
But, all food sources aren’t equal.
Let me tell you why…
In a perfect world, fish can provide you all the omega-3s you need. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the fish supply is now heavily tainted with industrial toxins and pollutants, such as heavy metals, PCBs, and radioactive poisons. These toxins make eating fish no longer recommended.
There are a number of plant sources of Omega 3's, but all have their own problems. Hemp oil, walnut oil and several other nut oils are decent sources of Omega 3's, but still have far more Omega 6's than 3's.
And that’s bad because Omega 3's and Omega 6's compete against each other in the body for the enzymes needed to convert them into them into a form your body can use.
Then, there’s fish oil…but because it’s perishable, the oxidation leads to the formation of harmful free radicals.
The other issue with both fish and fish oil is that since these fish are higher up the food chain, there is a greater risk of ingesting dangerous levels of mercury.
With these challenges in mind, but a very clear mandate that our company needed to be able to make these kinds of life sustaining nutrients available, the Naturecast research team began an exhaustive process of research to uncover the best option for you.
Mother Nature once again has delivered because our research team has found the most effective source of the right kind of Omegas on the planet.
If you haven’t heard of Krill Oil, then you are about to learn why it is categorically the most superior source of coveted potent naturally occurring Omega 3, 6 and 9.
Krill are a type of shrimp-like marine invertebrates and are a common food source of baleen whales, manta rays, whale sharks and numerous other marine animals.
The oil derived from Krill is rich in phospholipids, the building blocks for cell membranes, and Essential Fatty Acids.
Krill Oil is very stable, free of heavy metal content and considered more efficient in the body than regular fish oil capsules.
According to Dr. Tina Sampalis M.D., Ph.D., who discovered omega-3 Phospholipids as the main active ingredient in krill oil responsible for its health benefit:
“I call … Krill Oil nature’s perfect recipe. It’s like what nature intended for humans by putting it in a small and plentiful marine animal.”
Krill Oil is similar to Fish Oils in that they are both partly made up of Omega-3 rich oils EPA (eicosapen-taenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
The main difference between those two types of oil is that Krill Oil is the unique source of Omega rich oils in the form of phospholipids, while all Fish Oils are triglycerides.

The Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) contained in Krill Oil are bound to these phospholipids, so your body can absorb them much better than Omega-3 EFAs contained in Fish Oil.
The results of a study published in 2003 show that Krill Oil is more digestible and the body can absorb it better.
“Personally, I take krill oil every day. I particularly appreciate the fact that the omega-3 is attached to phospholipids that dramatically increase its absorption, especially into brain tissue.”
Dr. Mercola
“Krill oil has emerged as the next leader in the wonderful world of omega-3s. The structural difference leads to better absorption and delivery of DHA to the brain. In addition, krill oil contains a potent carotenoid antioxidant, astaxanthin, that may prevent EPA and DHA oxidation.”
Doctor Oz Blog
“The phospholipid structure of the EPA and DHA in krill oil makes them much more absorbable. Krill oil also contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, and anthaxanthin, which is a potent antioxidant.”
Dr. Michael Eades, author of “Protein Power:”
Introducing the finest premium high grade Krill Oil dietary supplement available:
Telomere Activator 18X

We decided to give Telomere Activator the 18X designation because according to our research when you compare this premium dietary supplement packed with 500 mgs. of pure grade high krill oil to mere fish oil, we estimate it packs a telomere support wallop Of at least 18 times above it.
Telomere Activator 18X not only is rich in phospholipids, the building blocks for cell membranes, and Essential Fatty Acids including Omega-3, 6 and 9, it is very stable, free of heavy metal content.
But, everything you just heard is not everything you need to know.
Telomere Activator has one other highly potent ingredient within it that you may not be aware of.
Astaxanthin (pronounced "asta-ZAN-thin") is a naturally-occurring carotenoid.

Astaxanthin is in a class of its own when it comes to antioxidant coverage, because it filters into every cell of the body. Its unique molecular lipophilic and hydrophilic properties allow it to span the entire cell, with one end of the astaxanthin molecule protecting the fat-soluble part of the cell and one end protecting the water-soluble part of the cell.
Natural astaxanthin is exceptionally powerful. A 2007 study analyzed several popular antioxidants and their antioxidant power.
This study found astaxanthin was 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C, 800 times stronger than CoQ10, 550 times stronger than green tea catechins and 75 times stronger than alpha lipoic acid.
As you might imagine it is very expensive to manufacture a high-grade nutritional product of this caliber.
The accounting team calculated that based on Telomere Activator 18X’s exceptional quality a 30-day supply should be priced at $100 a bottle.
But, as a true believer in our company’s mandate to help people improve and protect their health with the finest all natural nutrients in the world, I felt an obligation to make Telomere Activator 18X affordable to everyone.So, I ordered the accounting team to work with the manufacturing department and find ways to shave down the costs.
Finally, through a program of purchasing in bulk and reducing other operating expenses we were able to get the price down to a number most everyone can afford.
I’ll give you the full details in one moment. But, first I want to share one other piece of very good news.
You will have no risk!

That’s because I am so confident that you are going to be thrilled with the results you receive from Telomere Activator 18X...
- Your aging process feels as though it’s been arrested
- Your energy levels increase
- Skin feels and looks younger
- Internal systems start firing on all “cylinders”
- Even your sex life gets a dramatic boost
That I want you to have a no risk
“30 day test drive.”
So, I’ll make you this deal. You can take Telomere Activator 18X for up to a full 30 days and if for any reason you aren’t 100% satisfied with the results you can return any unused portion or even the empty bottle and I’ll give you a full refund.

I can make this offer because I am so confident this is never going to happen. In fact, I’m very sure you’re going to be reordering in a hurry to make sure that your supply doesn’t run out.
Okay, so I promised to give you the full details on the cost to be able to enjoy the remarkable benefits of
Telomere Activator 18X

Only $39!
What I do need you to understand is that I can’t guarantee how long we will be able to keep Telomere Activator 18X at this highly discounted price before we need to raise it up to its true value.
So, if you want to give your body the nutrients it needs to support telomere health at the cost of about a cup of coffee a day, then I strongly urge you to reserve your supply right now. Just click the order button below this video box right now!

____Yes, Larry, I want to feel and look young again. I want to improve my lean muscle mass, get rid of unwanted fat, regain skin that is soft and less wrinkled. In short I want back my youth. I understand that I will have no risk because there is a 100% money back guarantee if I am not thrilled with Telomere Activator 18X.
Best Deal - 6 bottles of Telomere Activator 18X – (six month supply) for only $179.70
I save $54.30 A 24% savings.
Great Deal - 3 bottles of Telomere Activator 18X – (3 month supply) for only $99.90
I save $17.00 A 14.5 % savings.
Let me get started - 1 bottle – (30 day supply) of Telomere Activator 18X for only $39.00
Disclaimer: The below references are independent studies and publications that were not conducted or published specifically for this product and are not affiliated with this product in any way. The quantities of any substances referenced in any studies may not be equal to the ingredients in this product. They are referenced strictly as general information about this subject matter.
Order Now!
The Studies Have Spoken…
It’s the Next Generation of 21st Century
Anti-Aging Science.
Olovnikov suggested that DNA sequences are lost every time a cell/DNA replicates until the loss reaches a critical level, at which point cell division ends….
And when cell division ends…life ends….
At this time, the ground breaking Russian’s theory was not widely known except by a handful of researchers studying cellular aging and immortalization.
That all changed when in 1975– 1977, Elizabeth Blackburn, working as a postdoctoral fellow At Yale University with Joseph Gall,
discovered the unusual nature of telomeres
Before I give you more details I want to emphasize why it is so important that you take this information very seriously.
My name is Larry Berman and I’m the editor of Naturecast News, an international natural health publication.
Naturecast News is a natural health publication sent to approximately 20 million recipients every month.
During my tenure I’ve overseen the publication of articles reporting on well over 1500 scientific studies.
These are studies that come from the most highly respected institutions in the world…for instance…
Harvard University |
Johns Hopkins |
Yale University |
![]() |
Just to name a few…
In all of these studies I have never seen anything as remarkable as what I’m about to share with you now.
Please pay close attention for the next couple of minutes. It could affect not only how long you live, but the quality of your life as well.
I was explaining about telomeres, which are the protective caps on the ends of the strands of DNA called chromosomes, which house our genomes.
“The telomeres shorten with time because they cannot replicate completely each time the cell divides and they may be the most powerful biological clock that has yet to be identified.”
Dr. Mercola, “New York Times Best Selling Author”
Fellowship status the American College of Nutrition
Scientists suddenly had the ability to understand the aging mechanism and with thatknowledge came the potential to alter it. | ![]() |
Their work leads to a Nobel prize…
Major media across the globe report on this revolutionary scientific discovery
![]() |
![]() |
Suddenly, the possibility to cheat father time and even death has become a reality…
Healthy and vibrant Centenarians could become the norm and not the rarity.
Some of the most brilliant scientific minds from the most esteemed medical research facilities in the world vowed to find answers….
If researchers could find a way to stop telomeres from shrinking or even actually re-growing…the aging process could be halted in its tracks!
Then, another startling discovery was made…
A Harvard study uncovers an enzyme that prevents telomeres from shortening…
The team studied the enzyme telomerase, which can replenish the telomere after replication and effectively lengthen it so that a cell can live longer.
Elizabeth Blackburn PhD, professor of biochemistry and biophysics at UCSF, discovered that the enzyme telomerase actually has the ability to lengthen the telomere by synthesizing DNA.
Since then, thousands of studies have been published on telomerase.
These studies proved that telomerase could maintain genomic stability, prevent the inappropriate activation of DNA damage pathways, and regulate cellular aging.

Cutting edge researchers scour the planet to find ways to naturally encourage the lengthening of telomeres. Finally, they hit pay dirt….
A New Harvard study proves that certain nutrients can encourage the lengthening of telomeres!
In one randomized double blind four-month trial the research team concluded that nutritional interventions in particular omega-3 can help increase telomere length.
In research conducted by scientists with affiliations to Harvard Medical School the team found that the study supports the development of regenerative strategies designed to restore telomere integrity.
Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is that this sounds easy. All a person needs to do is take some Omega 3 supplements and “boom!” Instant age reduction.
But, all food sources aren’t equal.
Let me tell you why…
In a perfect world, fish can provide you all the omega-3s you need. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the fish supply is now heavily tainted with industrial toxins and pollutants, such as heavy metals, PCBs, and radioactive poisons. These toxins make eating fish no longer recommended.
There are a number of plant sources of Omega 3's, but all have their own problems. Hemp oil, walnut oil and several other nut oils are decent sources of Omega 3's, but still have far more Omega 6's than 3's.
And that’s bad because Omega 3's and Omega 6's compete against each other in the body for the enzymes needed to convert them into them into a form your body can use.
Then, there’s fish oil…but because it’s perishable, the oxidation leads to the formation of harmful free radicals.
The other issue with both fish and fish oil is that since these fish are higher up the food chain, there is a greater risk of ingesting dangerous levels of mercury.
With these challenges in mind, but a very clear mandate that our company needed to be able to make these kinds of life sustaining nutrients available, the Naturecast research team began an exhaustive process of research to uncover the best option for you.
Mother Nature once again has delivered because our research team has found the most effective source of the right kind of Omegas on the planet.
If you haven’t heard of Krill Oil, then you are about to learn why it is categorically the most superior source of coveted potent naturally occurring Omega 3, 6 and 9.
Krill are a type of shrimp-like marine invertebrates and are a common food source of baleen whales, manta rays, whale sharks and numerous other marine animals.
The oil derived from Krill is rich in phospholipids, the building blocks for cell membranes, and Essential Fatty Acids.
Krill Oil is very stable, free of heavy metal content and considered more efficient in the body than regular fish oil capsules.
According to Dr. Tina Sampalis M.D., Ph.D., who discovered omega-3 Phospholipids as the main active ingredient in krill oil responsible for its health benefit:
“I call … Krill Oil nature’s perfect recipe. It’s like what nature intended for humans by putting it in a small and plentiful marine animal.”
Krill Oil is similar to Fish Oils in that they are both partly made up of Omega-3 rich oils EPA (eicosapen-taenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
The main difference between those two types of oil is that Krill Oil is the unique source of Omega rich oils in the form of phospholipids, while all Fish Oils are triglycerides.
The Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) contained in Krill Oil are bound to these phospholipids, so your body can absorb them much better than Omega-3 EFAs contained in Fish Oil.
The results of a study published in 2003 show that Krill Oil is more digestible and the body can absorb it better.
“Personally, I take krill oil every day. I particularly appreciate the fact that the omega-3 is attached to phospholipids that dramatically increase its absorption, especially into brain tissue.”
Dr. Mercola
“Krill oil has emerged as the next leader in the wonderful world of omega-3s. The structural difference leads to better absorption and delivery of DHA to the brain. In addition, krill oil contains a potent carotenoid antioxidant, astaxanthin, that may prevent EPA and DHA oxidation.”
Doctor Oz Blog
“The phospholipid structure of the EPA and DHA in krill oil makes them much more absorbable. Krill oil also contains vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, and anthaxanthin, which is a potent antioxidant.”
Dr. Michael Eades, author of “Protein Power:”
Introducing the finest premium high grade Krill Oil dietary supplement available:
Telomere Activator 18X
We decided to give Telomere Activator the 18X designation because according to our research when you compare this premium dietary supplement packed with 500 mgs. of pure grade high krill oil to mere fish oil, we estimate it packs a telomere support wallop Of at least 18 times above it.
Telomere Activator 18X not only is rich in phospholipids, the building blocks for cell membranes, and Essential Fatty Acids including Omega-3, 6 and 9, it is very stable, free of heavy metal content.
But, everything you just heard is not everything you need to know.
Telomere Activator has one other highly potent ingredient within it that you may not be aware of.
Astaxanthin (pronounced "asta-ZAN-thin") is a naturally-occurring carotenoid.
Astaxanthin is in a class of its own when it comes to antioxidant coverage, because it filters into every cell of the body. Its unique molecular lipophilic and hydrophilic properties allow it to span the entire cell, with one end of the astaxanthin molecule protecting the fat-soluble part of the cell and one end protecting the water-soluble part of the cell.
Natural astaxanthin is exceptionally powerful. A 2007 study analyzed several popular antioxidants and their antioxidant power.
This study found astaxanthin was 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C, 800 times stronger than CoQ10, 550 times stronger than green tea catechins and 75 times stronger than alpha lipoic acid.
As you might imagine it is very expensive to manufacture a high-grade nutritional product of this caliber.
The accounting team calculated that based on Telomere Activator 18X’s exceptional quality a 30-day supply should be priced at $100 a bottle.
But, as a true believer in our company’s mandate to help people improve and protect their health with the finest all natural nutrients in the world, I felt an obligation to make Telomere Activator 18X affordable to everyone.
So, I ordered the accounting team to work with the manufacturing department and find ways to shave down the costs.
Finally, through a program of purchasing in bulk and reducing other operating expenses we were able to get the price down to a number most everyone can afford.
I’ll give you the full details in one moment. But, first I want to share one other piece of very good news.
You will have no risk!
That’s because I am so confident that you are going to be thrilled with the results you receive from Telomere Activator 18X...
- Your aging process feels as though it’s been arrested
- Your energy levels increase
- Skin feels and looks younger
- Internal systems start firing on all “cylinders”
- Even your sex life gets a dramatic boost
That I want you to have a no risk
“30 day test drive.”
So, I’ll make you this deal. You can take Telomere Activator 18X for up to a full 30 days and if for any reason you aren’t 100% satisfied with the results you can return any unused portion or even the empty bottle and I’ll give you a full refund.
I can make this offer because I am so confident this is never going to happen. In fact, I’m very sure you’re going to be reordering in a hurry to make sure that your supply doesn’t run out.
Okay, so I promised to give you the full details on the cost to be able to enjoy the remarkable benefits of
Telomere Activator 18X
Only $39!
What I do need you to understand is that I can’t guarantee how long we will be able to keep Telomere Activator 18X at this highly discounted price before we need to raise it up to its true value.
So, if you want to give your body the nutrients it needs to support telomere health at the cost of about a cup of coffee a day, then I strongly urge you to reserve your supply right now. Just click the order button below this video box right now!
____Yes, Larry, I want to feel and look young again. I want to improve my lean muscle mass, get rid of unwanted fat, regain skin that is soft and less wrinkled. In short I want back my youth. I understand that I will have no risk because there is a 100% money back guarantee if I am not thrilled with Telomere Activator 18X.
Best Deal - 6 bottles of Telomere Activator 18X – (six month supply) for only $179.70
I save $54.30 A 24% savings.
Great Deal - 3 bottles of Telomere Activator 18X – (3 month supply) for only $99.90
I save $17.00 A 14.5 % savings.
Let me get started - 1 bottle – (30 day supply) of Telomere Activator 18X for only $39.00
Disclaimer: The below references are independent studies and publications that were not conducted or published specifically for this product and are not affiliated with this product in any way. The quantities of any substances referenced in any studies may not be equal to the ingredients in this product. They are referenced strictly as general information about this subject matter.
Order Now!
All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, effectiveness or correct use of information you receive through our product or for any health problems that may result from training programs, products, or events you learn about through the site. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The FDA has not evaluated these statements. None of the information or products discussed on this site are intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate or cure any disease.
Naturecast Products
934 N. University Dr. #291, Coral Springs, FL 33071
Phone: 954-415-5399
Fax Order Line: (954) 603-1469
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